Hi Friends! What's cooking?
Actually not much is cooking this week. I have been busy replenishing Prairie Pearl stock. After an entire year of not doing any vendor events due to Covid, Prairie Pearl will be at a Paddle Party in Fair Grove, Missouri next Saturday, February 6th.
Lets talk about Paddle Parties. I had never heard of such a thing until I moved to Southern Missouri. Paddle Parties are fundraisers. The group hosting the fundraiser invites craft and home sales vendors, the number of vendors is dependent on the amount of space you have. Each vendor donates 2 items to be "auctioned" off. People come to the fundraiser and pay a set amount for "paddles" which are usually paint sticks with a number assigned on the stick. Each stick (paddle) has a corresponding poker chip with the same number as printed on the paddle. You can buy as many paddles as you want. You get the paddle, the poker chip goes into a bucket.
The auction begins with round 1. The vendors take turns introducing themselves and what their product is. The bidding begins with "Quarters in, Paddles up". Collectors will come around and you place 1 quarter in the bucket per paddle that you wish to hold up. Lets say you have 2 paddles so you put 2 quarters in the bucket. The organizer draws a poker chip out of the bucket and reads off the number. The person who holds that number on the paddle called wins that item! This continues until all vendors have gotten up and introduced their items. The first round of bidding goes back to the vendors to help defray their costs. The second round goes to the charity.
I find these paddle parties fun. I don't usually make much of a profit, but I have gained friends and customers. Plus, I am helping out a well deserved fund raiser. The party next weekend is a benefit for the Fair Grove school district Music boosters. Last year was fun Looking forward to another fun filled evening.
Are you interested in holding a paddle party for a fundraiser, but have no idea how to start and need paddles? My good friend and neighbor can help you with your event. He has the paddles and he knows how to get your event off to a great start. You can contact him at jeffreydhenry69@gmail.com.
Prairie Pearl
From My House to Yours.
#paddleparty #southernmissouri #prairiepearl #fairgrove #dips #frommyhousetoyours